Power Marketing Tip 39: Lead with Success Stories
To capture attention and convert more prospects into eager buyers - lead with success stories.
Results sell. The purpose of marketing is to make it easier to sell and nothing sells like successful results.
This is even more important during challenging times. If your clients and prospects are hoarding their money you need to attract their attention and their money with success stories.
Clients buy based on their emotions. Success mitigates fears and appeals to greed. Most importantly it offers hope. All three of these emotional changes can persuade clients to buy.
A good success story includes
1 Before picture
2 After picture
3 Catalyst
Before Picture
Weight loss and fitness programs do this well. With words, numbers or images describe the pain or challenge.
After Picture
Using the same parameters show the results as a sharp contrast. The contrast must be clear and be memorable. For example: lost 50 lbs in 45 days; improved business by 15%; saved 12% on shipping costs.
Give credit to the product or service that made the difference.
Where can you find your success stories?
Client Testimonials
A testimonial from your clients is the best source of success stories. Ask your clients how things have improved for them as a result of your product or service. Then ask for the testimonial. Thank them and use the testimonials.
Case Studies
You can analyze results across your client base and report the trends. Or you might conduct an indepth study of one or a few of your best clients. You or your staff might conduct a simple case study. Another option is to arrange for a college or university student to conduct a more scientific study as part of their course studies. The advantage to you is that this third party report carries more credibility. The students often do this at no cost to you.
George Torok
Power Marketing
PS: Forward this tip to your associates.
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Results sell. The purpose of marketing is to make it easier to sell and nothing sells like successful results.
This is even more important during challenging times. If your clients and prospects are hoarding their money you need to attract their attention and their money with success stories.
Clients buy based on their emotions. Success mitigates fears and appeals to greed. Most importantly it offers hope. All three of these emotional changes can persuade clients to buy.
A good success story includes
1 Before picture
2 After picture
3 Catalyst
Before Picture
Weight loss and fitness programs do this well. With words, numbers or images describe the pain or challenge.
After Picture
Using the same parameters show the results as a sharp contrast. The contrast must be clear and be memorable. For example: lost 50 lbs in 45 days; improved business by 15%; saved 12% on shipping costs.
Give credit to the product or service that made the difference.
Where can you find your success stories?
Client Testimonials
A testimonial from your clients is the best source of success stories. Ask your clients how things have improved for them as a result of your product or service. Then ask for the testimonial. Thank them and use the testimonials.
Case Studies
You can analyze results across your client base and report the trends. Or you might conduct an indepth study of one or a few of your best clients. You or your staff might conduct a simple case study. Another option is to arrange for a college or university student to conduct a more scientific study as part of their course studies. The advantage to you is that this third party report carries more credibility. The students often do this at no cost to you.
George Torok
Power Marketing
PS: Forward this tip to your associates.
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Visit George Torok's marketing blog for more marketing insights, ideas and comments http://georgetorok.blogspot.com/
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Follow MarketingZoo on http://Twitter.com/MarketingZoo
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Proof Reading for your critical messages
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Do you want a provocactive, engaging and motivational speaker for your conference or sales meeting?
Do you want an executive briefing for your management team?
Call George Torok 905-335-1997
Toll Free in North America 800-304-1861
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