Power Marketing Tip 47: Marketing Challenges and Opportunities

Marketing challenges for the year ahead, lighthouse
Marketing Challenges and Opportunities

It was the simplest of times. it had been the worst of times.

That line from writer 1859 novel, A Tale of 2 Cities, may simply chart the year ahead.

I predict exciting times for marketers in 2012.

You will realize opportunities to achieve existing shoppers through new channels offered by the social media networks. The question is not "Should you cross-check Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and others?" The question is, "What opportunities or threats may you miss by not participating?"

The challenge are to leverage some time and resources to order the utilization of those tools.

Mobile devices square measure eclipsing the utilization of computers. QR codes and Apps square measure solely 2 of the tools that business is developing to achieve and accommodate the whims of mobile device users. I wonder, "How several of you're reading this on a mobile device?"

Online forums, blogs and surveys permit you to spot trends, section niche markets and live responses quicker and additional accurately.

The tools conjointly alter shoppers to report product flaws and nasty client service. Would you travel somewhere new on faith web.TripAdvisor.com ? And would you be additional probably to report dangerous or sensible service? craving for a decent restaurant? Then you may scrutinize web.RestaurantThing.com . scan my http://www.powermarketingblog.com/ for reports of dissatisfactory client service.

You will face the challenges of the raised competition, additional educated customers and therefore the economic drop.

Good news for little and small business. Outsourcing is not any longer a technique for big firms shopping for elements from low wage countries. http://www.guru.com/ and http://www.elance.com/ build it simple to anyone with little|alittle|atiny low} budget to source a spread of small business services from selling to administration help. Then www.Fiverr.com very lowers prices by giving associate astounding (and typically silly) vary of services for $5.

As a vendor you'll be a hero this returning year if you're obstructed in, exploring and learning. meaning that you just can build mistakes.

It will be associate exciting year for marketers. i'll still entails the threats and opportunities for you.

Power Marketing Tip #48: Back Stage Marketing

With all the eye that the TV advertisements on the Super Bowl receive, it is easy to be seduced into basic cognitive process that is selling. Yes, sensible advertising is sweet selling - and keep in mind that it's just one a part of the selling combine. My guess is that you simply did not purchase a TV advertising on the Super Bowl. the value for thirty seconds was $3.5 M.

There was a additional necessary selling lesson that had nothing to try and do with the costly ads. That was the setup and level of the intermission show.

Madonna and therefore the remainder of the performers would have had no stage while not the crew. the frilly stage was got wind of in concerning seven minutes.

If the setup took too long the performance would are sacrificed. If the setup was done incorrectly the performers may need suffered embarrassment or injury.

They weren't known as the selling department however those setup folks compete a big role within the selling and presentation of the show.

Who square measure the rear stage marketers in your business? World Health Organization helps got wind of the stage thus your product may be delivered to the satisfaction of your clients? maybe there square measure activities that you simply do this constitute the class of back stage selling.

Shine a bright light-weight on your backstage marketers and supply them with the tools they have to line up the stage for your client expertise. provide them the coaching, tools and communication to assist delight your customers.

Look past the flashy advertisements. Examine all the folks and items that require to be in situ to deliver the promise that your selling department is with boldness broadcasting.

Power Marketing Tip 49: 3 Simple Tests for Your Graphic Design

Are you losing money because of starving-artists design?

I've noticed a lot of bad design of marketing material lately. I've also seen some fabulous graphic design. You might want to protect yourself from the design demons. It's so easy for budding entrepreneurs to use a design program without understanding or applying marketing design principles.

Good marketing design is art based on scientific principles. The art, I'm not so good at. I'm a stick figure artist at best. But I do understand the principles of effective design. If you're hiring graphic designers to creative marketing materials you don't need to be an artist but you need to understand the fundamentals.

Apply this 3 part test to your visual marketing materials. That might include your website, postcard, poster, sign, flyer, business card...

Whose attention do you want to catch? You can catch attention with a visual or with words. In either case it will likely be a benefit that your best prospects desire or a pain that they hope to banish. Design your marketing to target your best prospects.
This is especially challenging when your advertisement is on a page with other listings.
Absolution or aspirin - that's what grabs their attention. Most of the time, your photo, logo, or business name won't do that.

Eye Flow
Let's assume that you caught their attention - where do their eyes go next? If you don't know, it's bad graphic design. You don't need to be an expert to know where the eyes go. Just test it yourself. Our eyes tend to jump from point to point. Effective graphic design leads the eyes of viewers like a tour guide directing a museum tour.
Each eye jump must enhance the perceived value and want of your prospects. You should be able to predict the first three eye jumps.

This is the final test. What do you want your prospects to do? If this doesn't happen your marketing investment was wasted. If you want them to call you, tell them why. If you want them to visit your shop, tell them why. If you want them to click your link, tell them why. If you want them to scan your QR code, tell them why.
People only act when they have a good reason. That is most likely the same factor that caught their attention. Don't hope that prospects will be curious. You don't want curious people. You want motivated buyers.
Remind your graphic designer that purpose and function are far more important than the artistic form. You don't want a Picasso. You want customers to buy.
Don't be seduced by the art - test your design against these three simple marketing principles.

PS: Here's an example of a poorly designed postcard.

Do you want an engaging keynote speech for your conference or sales meeting?
Do you want a provocative executive briefing for your management team?

Call George Torok 905-335-1997

Forward this tip to your colleagues who want to gain an unfair advantage over the competition.

George TorokKeynote Marketing SpeakerCo-author of Secrets of Power MarketingGet your free copy of "50 Power Marketing Ideas"Power Marketing on FaceBookMarketing Zoo on TwitterShare/Save/Bookmark

What's in a Name?

Does a name determine value?

Maybe. Names plant images or emotional value in our minds. Product names seem to influence value. Consider these examples.

If you are selling wine then consider the study by Brock University as reported in the Globe and Mail.

“Names that seem unique or harder to understand or wrap your mind around are that way because they’re rare,” said Antonia Mantonakis, the Brock associate professor of marketing who led the study. “Things that are rare are more valuable.”

Apparently wine appears more valuable when it seems to be unattainable.

This study demonstrated that a difficult-to-pronounce name like Tselepou was perceived as more valuable than Titakis, which was perceived as more valuable than a simple common name. Wine drinkers want to be mysterious. Read the rest of this report at the Globe and Mail

The same article in the Globe and Mail mentioned:

"In one subsequently famous case, Harley-Davidson shares shot up 16 per cent in the weeks after it changed its ticker from HDI to HOG, the biker-slang term for its motorcycles."

When it comes to investments simple names are better. Investors want to be reassured - not confused.

Imagine if you are a guy looking to meet a woman on an online dating site, how likely are you to contact a Gertrude, Bertha or Gretchen? Would Melanie, Tiffany or Jennifer sound more attractive?

Imagine that you are a woman hoping to meet the guy of your dreams. Your friend offers to introduce you to   Igor, Rudolph and Herbert. Would you prefer Brad, Stephan or Trevor?

Naturally the attractive people names will be influenced by your age and culture.

I suggest that when you are naming your company or product think about what sounds attractive to your best prospects. They are the ones who need to give you money. Buyers won't care about the name of your grandmother, your hero or your pet.

Should the name sound exotic, simple, foreign, common, reassuring, provocative or suggestive?

George TorokKeynote Marketing SpeakerCo-author of Secrets of Power Marketing
Get your free copy of "50 Power Marketing Ideas"Power Marketing on FaceBookMarketing Zoo on Twitter

Robin States with Conquest Financial Services

Does email marketing still work?

Yes. But we need to be much smarter then we were five years ago. You need to capture attention with real benefits. You need to avoid the perception of SPAM.

Here's an email from Conquest Financial that fails on several points. You might learn from the mistakes of Robin States with Conquest Financial Services.

I've received at least six copies of this message from Robin States. It's so bad that naturally I ignored the the first few messages. I requested removal from Mr States list at least twice. So now I'm annoyed at receiving this SPAM from Conquest Financial.

So let's see what we can learn from this bad email.

First mistake. The email was marked, "High Priority". To me, only life and death issues are high priority. I have never marked an email "High Priority" because nothing in business is "high priority". So my first reaction is annoyance.

Second, the subject line was not bad. 
"Important Merchant Account Information - Reduce Your Rates!"

A better line would have been "How to Reduce Your Merchant Account rates"

Next, the greeting and opening line.
Robin States here, with Conquest Financial Services.  Keeping this email brief I would like to introduce our services.


It starts with Hello - but not my name. Clearly it's not addressed to me. Looks like SPAM already. Read the next two sentences. Nothing of value there. I don't know Robin States or Conquest Financial so neither of those names mean anything to me. The next sentence is total crap and wasted words. If you wanted to keep it brief then don't waste my time by telling me that.

At Conquest Financial Services, our mission is to provide our customers with the most innovative and diverse suite of payment processing solutions that will fuel the success of their business while developing a long-standing relationship through outstanding customer service and support. 

What does that mean?
It's gobbly goop. No benefits offered there.

These words are meaningless: our mission, most innovative, diverse suite, fuel the success, outstanding customer service and support...

Further down, Mr States ask for referrals. Here is my referral. Don't do business with Robin States or Conquest Financial Services because they SPAM and lie.

Naturally like any referral that is based on my opinion of my limited experience with this company.

And way at the bottom is the offer to "unsubscribe". My experience is that that is a lie.

This SPAM email from Robin States with Conquest Financial offers good example of what not to do in your email marketing.

See the full email below.

Robin States here, with Conquest Financial Services.  Keeping this email brief I would like to introduce our services.
At Conquest Financial Services, our mission is to provide our customers with the most innovative and diverse suite of payment processing solutions that will fuel the success of their business while developing a long-standing relationship through outstanding customer service and support.
Conquest Financial Services has mandated to enable its clients to process all major card brands including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB and Interac Direct Payment in Canada AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES.
Conquest Financial Services offers comprehensive payment solutions specially tailored to your business.
  • Full line of the most Advanced smart card enabled POS equipment 
  • Flexible low-cost transaction processing
  • Merchant Cash Advances
  • Outstanding 24/7/365 Customer Service and Technical Support
If you are interested in saving on your merchant services cost, and would like to put more of your hard earned revenue back into your business, please contact me to discuss your options further, and to arrange for an analysis on your current merchant situation.  I will show you how you can save $$$ by switching to Conquest Financial Services as your merchant services provider.
*** Also, Conquest Financial Services provides Working Capital Loans to Small & Medium Businesses for whatever your business needs require.  Please contact me for more information regarding working capital loans.
If you are not interested in our services, but know of someone who would be, please forward on my contact information or this email communication and I will get them into the best possible processing situation.  Referrals are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you soon,

Rob States

Regional Accounts Manager 
Conquest Financial Services | 326 Adelaide St W. Suite 400 | Toronto ON M5V 1R3
Tel: 1.877.505.9383 ext. 161 | Fax: 1.866.209.9359 | E-Mail : rstates@conquest-financial.com

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George TorokKeynote Marketing SpeakerCo-author of Secrets of Power MarketingGet your free copy of "50 Power Marketing Ideas"Power Marketing on FaceBookMarketing Zoo on TwitterShare/Save/Bookmark
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