Thank You: The Greatest Marketing Secret

Say ‘Thank you’ more often - and mean it.

Sounds simple – but I wonder how often you hear it. Do you hear ‘Thank you’ often enough? Do you read ‘Thank you’ often enough?

When was the last time you gave a gift and did not hear thank you?
When was the last time you held open a door and did not hear thank you?
When was the last time you paid your bill and did not hear thank you?

How did you feel when you expected thank you but did not hear it?
Why do you think that is?

We want to be appreciated. We want others to recognize our sacrifices, courtesies and generosities.

We want to hear ‘Thank you’.

The Learning Point

If you want to hear thank you – so do your clients, prospects and colleagues.

Who did you thank today?
Who will you thank tomorrow?
Who else will you thank this week?

Say thank you – and mean it.
Say thank you in an appropriate and meaningful way.
Say thank you often.

Thank you

George Torok
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