T-Shirts & Embossed Pens Can Out-Perform TV & Internet Ads

According to a study by Marketing Sherpa the $16.9 Billion Promo Products Industry is quietly raking in nearly three times more ad dollars than internet advertising.

Why is that? Their research shows that 76.1% of the consumers studied said they could remember the brand name of a company that gave them a promotional item in the past year -- versus 53% who could remember a TV or print ad from the past month, and even fewer recalled an online ad from the past week.
Promotional products are an old standby in our hungry-for-attention marketing world. Your name and logo on a golf shirt, coffee cup, or portfolio might get you more sales then spending the same money on Internet ads.

A friend of mine, Rick Maude, who owns a promotional products business, assures me that his business keeps growing. It seems that the race is on – to offer something new and different to put your logo on and get your message out there.

If it has been a while since you looked at putting your name on promotional products – view the online catalogue at http://adplus.promocan.com/

Marketing Sherpa, Inc. is a research firm publishing Case Studies, benchmark data, and how-to information for marketing, advertising, and public relations professionals.

You can visit their library of articles, reports and case studies at

You can view the summaries and some of the full articles free. They are, after all, a research firm. I do enjoy many of their case studies.

George Torok

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