Power Marketing Tip 46: 3 Keys to Personal Marketing

Personal marketing beats impersonal marketing every time.

That's one powerful advantage that you have over the large corporations. They can't be personal so they try to compensate by spending tons of money on advertising. You can't compete with their budgets. But you can compete using your strengths and still win.

As an individual or small business you have the advantage of being able to use personal marketing. The bonus for you is that personal marketing doesn't need to cost much.

What are the 3 keys to personal marketing?

1. Be personal
2. Have a personality
3. Exude confidence

1. Be personal

To be personal means treating customers as people. Call them by name. Smile. Engage them in conversation - not just for selling to them. Discover some personal information about them. How can you personalize your service to please them more? Keep track of that in your database.

2. Have a personality
Bring your personality to the conversation. Share something personal about yourself. That might include your culture, sport, pastime or family. Reveal a flaw because all people appear more real because of their flaws. Laugh more often.

3. Exude confidence
Personal marketing will only work if you appear confident about yourself and your message. That means you must believe in yourself and your abilities. Confidence in yourself will instill confidence and trust in others. Trust yourself and stay true to yourself. Being confident also means acknowledging and accepting your limitations.

Personal marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that is available to you. It can be both profitable and fun. Use it!

George Torok
Power Marketing

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